Nice one. Activity is just like gas: it expands until the limit of its container (time, in this case). Its healthy to limit it on purpose. Hey, if you come to Barcelona or Costa Brava you can write me. A pleasure to show you some places as a local and talk some Spanish

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Curious about your comment on thinking... have you tried to delve deeper on the process/notion/state of thinking. Do people take the time to think? in the attention economy are we allowing access to so much information to do the thinking for us. I love old philosophers cause it feels like they allowed themselves so much time to think (both alone and with others)

Curious if you have thoughts around this? and what you think the role of thinking has in today's society

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I'm 12+ months into a 3 month sabbatical... so definitely a fan of time off!

Also, I've become an avid Whoop user (whoop.com). It's best feature is integrating Strain>Recover>Sleep into one view, showing how they play off one another.

For example, too much Strain must be followed by quality Sleep in order to improve your Recovery, in order for you to be able to Strain hard again (on repeat).

Work is very much the same... where our best work is preceded by quality rest. Rarely is it Strain>Strain>Strain.

A better alternative integrates Work with Recovery + Sleep (and maybe even more), to be sustainable and successful long term.

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